Braces in Killcare

CCO Patient Orthodontic Treatment in Killcare

We want to share with you the Orthodontic journey of our 14-year-old patient from Killcare.

He had upper and lower crowding, and his parents were also concerned about a lingually displaced lower lateral tooth.

Dental crowding occurs when teeth compete for space in the mouth and have grown improperly, causing teeth to be twisted and misaligned.  For our patient’s case, a lingually displaced tooth can be caused by a retained primary tooth that displaced the erupting permanent tooth.

After discovering our practice on Google and seeing the cases that we have posted, they came in. His parents decided to bring him in for a consultation with Dr Deall and Dr King. After a thorough Orthodontic Examination and discussion with his parents, we performed extractions and fitted Upper and Lower Braces to correct his bite.

What Were the Issues with His Existing Teeth?

  • Upper and Lower Crowding
  • Lingually displaced lower lateral tooth

What We Did for His Smile Makeover

  • Extractions
  • Upper and Lower Braces

The Result

After two years of wearing Upper and Lower Braces, we have successfully aligned his teeth and improved his bite! He and his parents were so happy with the result. 

He can’t stop smiling because of his new smile!

Do you or your child have the same dental problem? Look no further! Call us at +61 2 4327 9488 or fill out the enquiry form. We’re here to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

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