What to Expect During Your Orthodontic Treatment?
Hi there, Alistair King here from Central Coast Orthodontics. When people come to see us for their orthodontic treatment, they are often curious as to how the process works, what happens at different stages and what to expect as time goes along. So I thought I might give you a quick explanation today to help give you some understanding about how it all works and what an orthodontic treatment actually entails.
The first step in the journey is to come in for an initial assessment. The aim of this initial visit is to simply find out about you and your teeth. We will have a look at your teeth, gums, bones and smile and ask you some questions so that we can understand what you hope to achieve out of treatment for you or your child. After our examination, we will be able to explain to you what issues there may be and when is the best time to address them. Usually, we will take some photographs of the teeth and perhaps some X-rays as well to help make the best decisions for you or your child. If orthodontic treatment is not something that you want to do straight away it can still be useful to find out what would be involved and what options you might have for the future. If treatment is not recommended at that time we will usually keep the patient under review and can reassess again as time goes by.
Depending on what orthodontic problems exist there are likely to be several different options or approaches we can take. During your initial consultation, we can go through these with you in order to help you decide what’s best for you. Also, it’s a great opportunity to answer any questions you might have including things such as how long the treatment will take, the costs involved, any risks or side effects. As orthodontic specialists, we will be able to discuss all the different options that you could consider and help you make the best-informed choice. Costs can be discussed in detail as well including payment plan options.
Once you have decided to begin treatment the process is usually fairly straight forward. Treatment length can vary from as little as six months to more than two years depending on your goals and treatment options. Whichever option you choose we will need to monitor your progress carefully to ensure that treatment is progressing smoothly and we will give you all the information and instructions you need to look after your orthodontic appliances while you are at home. It is likely you will need to make several return visits to the practice to make modifications and adjustments and you are welcome to come to either Gosford or Erina to have these procedures carried out.
When your treatment is complete it’s not quite the end of the story. Usually, we will need to give you retainers to hold the teeth in their final position. There are a few different types of retainers available which can be planned and discussed before treatment begins. We normally will see you a couple of times a year for a few years afterwards to make sure things are staying where they should.
Thanks for watching. Hopefully, this gives you a better understanding as to what to expect during orthodontic treatment. There’s also plenty of information on our website so have a look at centralcoastorthodontics.com.au for more detail. Also, when you are ready for your orthodontic treatment, if you are based on the Central Coast, we would love to look after you. Simply give us a call, complete the enquiry form on the website, or send us a direct message on social media, and we will help you organise an appointment that is closest to you. See you in the next video!
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